Blog > Seller Tips > Shopee Philippines will Waive the 1% Transaction Service Fee for This Type of Sellers

Shopee Philippines will Waive the 1% Transaction Service Fee for This Type of Sellers

Jayson 27 Mar 2024 09:23

Recently, the Shopee Philippines announced that in order to encourage sellers to fulfill orders in a timely manner, Shopee has launched a new project - the Fast Shipping Program, which aims to provide benefits such as discounts on transaction service fees and additional marketing exposure to sellers who meet the requirements.

Specifically, the plan sets out three main thresholds:

One is that sellers must fulfill orders locally in the Philippines;

Second, sellers must promptly fulfill orders created from 4 pm yesterday to 4 pm the same day every day. The completion rate must not be less than 95%, and the latest logistics pick-up time must be controlled before 9 pm;

Third, the seller does not generate points related to order fulfillment in the month, including the order uncompleted rate and delayed shipment rate.

The welfare details that sellers are most concerned about are also quite clear. Shopee stipulates that all sellers who meet the fast shipping threshold will enjoy a 1% discount on transaction service fees starting from the month when they reach the threshold.

In addition, sellers located in the Metro Manila and Greater Manila areas of the Philippines will enjoy additional benefits, including displaying a fast shipping label for all items, and items with a fast shipping label can be filtered through the search page filter. , products will appear in quick-shipping product collections, etc., and product exposure is expected to be greatly increased.