Blog > Seller Tips > What are Listing Violations on Shopee and How to Avoid it

What are Listing Violations on Shopee and How to Avoid it

Amy 22 Jan 2022 06:44

Shopee is one of the largest online marketplace in Southeast Asia, many people are publishing their products to sell on Shopee. But when you list products to Shopee, you need to follow Shopee listing policy and avoid listing violations. 


What are listing violations on Shopee?

Shopee aims to create a safe shopping environment for shoppers. Therefore, Shopee established a listing policy to prevent the dispute. Listing violations are listings that obey Shopee listing policy, Shopee will take action against sellers who commit these 3 types of listing violations: Prohibited Listings, IP infringement and counterfeit listings, and spam listings. 


Three types of listing violations and how to avoid it?

1. Prohibited Listings

Prohibited listings means these listings are prohibited to be sold on Shopee, it includes 4 types. 

  • Prohibited listings

Products that are prohibited to sell by law or Shopee listing policy, or you have no appropriate license to sell. To avoid prohibited listings, you need to check if the products you want to publish comply with local laws and Shopee listing policy. Also, Shopee provides a list of prohibited listings

  • Advertisement

Shopee sellers can’t sell and advertise other sales channels in listings. You can’t mention or advertise other platforms in your title or description, for example Lazada.


  • Switched Listings

The existing listings can’t be edited to another different product in order to maintain the sold quantity and product ratings. If you don’t want to sell this existing listing, you can just delist this product. 

  • Misleading Listings

You can’t increase the price before the promotion to exaggerate the discount offered. Many sellers meet this issue, please note such fake discounts are not allowed on Shopee and it creates a false impression of the product price. To avoid this issue, not increase the price before you set the discount promotions.


2. IP Infringement and counterfeit listings

  • IP Infringement

Products containing registered trademarks without authorization, these products are protected by intellectual property rights. You can’t publish products with other brands, if you want to sell brand products, you need to contact the local agency to get the authorization. 

  • Counterfeit listings

The products that imitates existing brands can’t be sold on Shopee. You can’t publish counterfeit famous brand products, for example, Apple products.


3. Spam Listings

  • Duplicate listings

It is not allowed to publish the same products multiple times in one shop. Duplicate listings are not allowed and will be deleted by Shopee, publishing the same product to different categories is also prohibited. Please ensure your listing details are unique in your Shopee store. 

  • Price spam

You can’t sell products at extremely low or high prices. Shopee will identify and delete your products if your price is extremely low or high, for example, RM0.1 or RM99,999. Also, the add-on should be an item’s variation and can’t be listed separately.

  • Attribute/Keyword/Brand spam

Your products will be considered as spam if you use the irrelevant info in the product. Not enter multiple irrelevant brand names or keywords in product title or attributes, for example, ‘Nike Nike Nike’, ‘Xiaomi Huawei Apple’. If you have no brand, please select ‘No Brand’. 

  • Category spam

Products listed in the wrong category. To select the correct category, you can find the full category list on Shopee. You can locate the right category and sub-category. Also, correct categories can help you increase visibility of your products.

  • Republish deleted listings

You can’t republish the deleted listings by Shopee without any edits. If your products are deleted, you can’t republish directly, or you may get a penalty point.



To sell products on Shopee, you need to follow the Shopee listing policy. To avoid listing violations, you can comply with Shopee rules or use the suggestion above.


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