Step 1: Create a transfer list
Go to Inventory > Warehouse > Transfer > Transfer Plan > Add Transfer List > Fill in the list > Submit


Step 2: Confirm shipping after the goods were shipped from warehouse

In the opening page(or click Inventory Warehouse> Transfer > Transfer Plan), locate the transfer list, click the Confirm shipping icon after confirming the goods have been shipped. Then the transfer list will move to On The Way page and also appear in Transfer List page of Transfer Receiving.

If the consignee receives only a part of the goods (received quantityPartial Reception page.

If the consignee receives all the goods(received quantityCompleted page.


Step 3: Consignee confirms receipt after the goods arrive at the receiving warehouse

Go to Inventory > Transfer Receiving > Receiving Warehouse > click on Confirm Receiving button > enter received quantity> Confirm

If all goods are received(received quantity=transfer quantity), the receiving status of transfer list will be changed to Received.

If only a part of the goods is received (received quantity Partial Reception; the transfer list under Partial Reception status still can be operated to confirm the receipt, that is, the receipt can be completed in batches.

After confirming, the goods will be in stock immediately and the number will increase.


Video about How to Use Inventory Tranfer