Blog > Marketplace News > TikTok Shop Releases New Store Inspection Period Rules

TikTok Shop Releases New Store Inspection Period Rules

Jayson 01 Aug 2024 08:17

The new store inspection period is a stage set up by TikTok Shop Southeast Asia Cross-border for newly settled cross-border sellers, which aims to monitor and guide the initial operation of the store and ensure that the seller can properly handle orders.

During the inspection period, the number of orders that a new store can accept and the number of products that can be released will be limited. The specific values need to be logged in to the seller center to view. The store's daily order and product release limits will be dynamically adjusted according to the operational performance. Good performance may increase, and vice versa.

In addition, sellers can view the daily order limit and product release limit through the "Store Inspection Period" module of the TikTok Shop Seller Center. The store must stay in the inspection period for at least 30 days and meet specific performance indicators, such as order volume, business responsibility cancellation rate, delayed fulfillment rate, store business responsibility negative review rate and violation points, in order to automatically pass the inspection period.

Even if the store has graduated, if the performance declines during the next 60-day observation period, such as the business responsibility cancellation rate exceeds 5%, the delayed fulfillment rate exceeds 20%, or the store business responsibility negative review rate exceeds 3%, it will be recalled to re-enter the inspection period.